Managenment Approach to Success of the Fresh Market Business in Bangkok

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Udom Somboonpol


This research is aim to 1. study on a state of business management on the operation of a fresh-food market entrepreneur in Bangkok. 2. study on the feature of renters’ behavior who are male and female merchants of a fresh-food market in Bangkok. 3. study on the government agencies have support of business management on the operation of a fresh-food market entrepreneur in Bangkok. 4. study on the key performance indicators of the success in undertaking a fresh-food market of entrepreneur in Bangkok. 5. find out a guideline on undertaking to success a fresh-food market business in Bangkok by a qualitative method, collecting information by an insight interviewing with an important informant. 1. a group of the entrepreneurs who are an owner or manager of a fresh-food market. 2. a group of renters who are male and female merchants. 3. a group of consumers who buy any products in a fresh-food market, using the method of random sampling, drawing the name of a fresh-food market which are in 50 districts. 4. a group of academicians selecting 5. a group of government agencies by a purposive sampling from a group of informants 119 people and analyzing by a content analysis. A research’s result found that 1. the state of business management on the operation of a freshfood market entrepreneur in Bangkok, the market must have strong components of a place or building according to the standard of the ministerial regulations. There is the business operation in both public and private sections which a decoration, a shop design and a market planning are divided into zones according to a category of products. In addition, there are an annual contract proceeding and a monthly installment including daily installment for renting. 2. The features of renters’ behavior who are male and female merchants, from the result, we found that there is a distribution of product in categories of instant food, vegetable, fruit, grocery, and à la carte which customers can buy any products as they wish. And for the shops which proceed the annual contract but pay an installment monthly, they will distribute products by retail and a merchant’s stall will be divided into zones. For an agency who is responsible for receiving payment of stalls, there is both public and private sections. The renters are satisfied by a market organization from the central section of markets making everyone follow along the regulations. 3. The government agencies have support of business management on the operation of a fresh-food market entrepreneur in Bangkok, we found with government agencies regarding the establishment of a fresh market, revealed that the market installation guidelines should be defined as types of product. It including, classification the products in to each category to hygiene easily and convenient for users. Moreover the regulations of the establishment of a market that should include the toilet and the drainage system of the market, including the place for the dumping of garbage. Which is considered as an important rule that operators must take. Regardless of whether the entrepreneur would request permission to establish a structured or unstructured market. 4. The key performance indicators to succes of operating the freshfood market, we found that there should be a selection of products which are qualified and reasonable price and can ensure the consumers. The location should be near a dwelling and community and also, there should be an expansion of the business and an increase of distribution channels of the fresh-food market by applying the information system, a development plan of products to increase a value, and delivery service. 5. The guideline on undertaking a fresh-food market business, we found that there are important parts with the standard of operating fresh-food market business, i.e. sanitation, environment, consumer security and protection, products, consumer welcoming activity which includes the renters, consumers, and tourist both Thai and foreigners and also people in that community along with all aspects of facilities and an increase of distribution channels to the renters who are male and female merchants in order to make more income. To be practical, then there is a guideline on operating and the success of fresh-food market providing later.

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