The Development of Coaching and Mentoring Supervision to Enhance Learning Management in 21st Century in the Service Area of the Office of the Basic Education Commission in Chiang Mai Province

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Wachira Kruekamai


The purposes of this research were fourfold. The first is to research need analysis of the development of coaching and mentoring supervision to enhance learning management in 21st century in the Service Area of the Office of the Basic Education Commission in Chiang Mai Province. The second is to develop coaching and mentoring supervision. The third is to do experiment of supervision and the last is to assess the pattern of supervision. There are 4 steps in the process of developing supervision: study the need for preparing the supervision, develop the pattern of supervision by using coaching and mentoring supervision, demonstrate the supervision, and assess the supervision. This research was done by using coaching and mentoring supervision in 3 different schools: small, medium, and large. The Stratified Random Sampling was used to choose the target groups consisting of 30 school executives or supervisors and 30 teachers who were in supervision. The experimental instruments consisted of document analysis records, questionnaires, interviews, assessment of learning management plan, coaching and mentoring supervision records, receiving supervision records, coaching and mentoring supervision’s advising behavior checklist, assessment of supervision pattern, and focus group discussion. For qualitative data analysis, the data were analyzed and described in descriptive writing. For quantitative data analysis, the data obtained were analyzed by using percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The findings of the research “The Development of Coaching and Mentoring Supervision to Enhance Learning Management in 21st Century in the Service Area of the Office of the Basic Education Commission in Chiang Mai Province” or (PPLCA Plus) adapted from instructional system called ADDIE Model became the pattern of supervision. The pattern consists of 3 main parts: principles, key conditions, and 5 components of supervision’s pattern which are Preparing (P), Planning (P), Learning and Sharing (L), Coaching and Mentoring (C), After Action Review (A). Besides, 5 experts agreed that there are correlations between index of consistency and the supervision. Moreover, using this supervision, it was found that Plus apply the King Bhumibol’s work principles, science and philosophy in different situations. Furthermore, teachers who were in supervision can plan their learning management in 21st century in very satisfying level (83.33%) and it can be recorded after launching clearly and effectively. For coaching and mentoring supervision’s advising behavior checklist, it was in high level, the supervision can be done more than twice a month. Lastly, both supervision and teachers agree that the vital points are the cooperation of planning the goal of learning management and giving chance to teachers for having knowledge sharing.

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