Thailand 4.0 Floating Market Development Strategy for Sustainable Tourism

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Chaiyawit Muangmee


This research aims to 1. survey the Image of floating market in Thailand, traveler’s behavior, Thailand floating market strategy 4.0, and the development of sustainable floating market in Thailand 2. analyze the components of the four latent variables of the Image of floating market in Thailand, traveler’s behavior, Thailand floating market strategy 4.0, and the development of sustainable floating market in Thailand 3. analyze both direct and indirect effects of the Image of floating market in Thailand, traveler’s behavior, and Thailand Floating Market Strategy 4.0, those affect development of sustainable floating market in Thailand 4. find Thailand 4.0 floating market development strategy for tourism. This research integrated qualitative and quantitative research techniques. In-depth interview of travel marketing specialists were conducted to find the variables which were related to the achievement strategies and to develop a valid and reliable questionnaire, as an instrument to the quantitative research. The samples collected were 600. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics of percentage, mean and inferential statistics of Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Path Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The research revealed that: 1. the Image of floating market in Thailand, traveler’s behavior, Thailand floating market strategy 4.0, and development of sustainable floating market in Thailand were mostly at high level. 2. Confirmatory Factors Analysis implied that the Image of floating market in Thailand have the highest in the most impressive elements values, the traveler’s behavior factors was decision, Thailand floating market strategy 4.0 factors was place, the development of sustainable floating market in Thailand factors was Recommendation and referral. 3. the effect analysis found that the Image of floating market in Thailand and traveler’s behavior has direct and indirect influence on the development of sustainable floating market in Thailand 4. the constructed model corresponded with the empirical evidence of all variables (χ2 = 34.02, df = 32,χ2/df = 1.11, P = 0.37, RMSEA = 0.01)

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