Potential of Community Based Tourism Management in Trat Province

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Wandee Sutthinarakorn


The objectives of this research were 1. to investigate community people’s knowledge towards Community Based Tourism (CBT) management, and 2. to assess potentials of leaders and management staffs on CBT management. Areas of study were 29 CBT communities in Trat province. Respondents divided into two groups: 1. people in CBT communities total amount of 139 who answered CBT management knowledge test. Data revealed from the test were analyzed by using percentages, 2. CBT leaders and management staffs total amount of 120 who mutually assessed CBT potential by using predetermined 11-part criteria and rated questionnaires on behalf of 29 communities as well as public hearing process. Data collected were analyzed by means and standard deviation. Results revealed that majority of community members have CBT management knowledge except the ‘CBT direction setting’ issue which 58.2 percent of respondents misunderstood that the CBT direction setting may not identify by community. Potential of CBT communities in Trat province ranked at ‘good level’ were their human capital including potential of community people (mean = 4.27, S.D. = 0.69), potential of leaders (mean = 3.63, S.D. = 0.75), cooperation for CBT development (mean = 3.64, S.D. = 0.92). After classification of each community potential revealed that, 1. there were three communities with excellent managerial capability (Grade A), 2. six communities marked as quite excellent (Grade B+), and 3) five communities were at good level (Grade B). The study suggested some CBT development guildelines such as improving weak points of management system by suing existing strong human capital through inter-community knowledge sharing among higher and lower potential communities. These will lead to upcoming better changes of all 29 communities.

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