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ดร.สาทิตร์ ม่วงหมี


This research aims to (1) analyze the components of the four latent variables of the small enterprise administrators’ characteristics, the environmental factors, the sustainable marketing factors, and the small enterprise achievement related to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, (2) analyze both direct and indirect effects of the small enterprise administrators’ characteristics, the environmental factors, and the sustainable marketing factors those affect the small enterprise achievement related to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, (3) find the sustainable marketing model of the small enterprises in accordance to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. The samples collected were 440. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics of percentage, mean and inferential statistics of Confirmatory Factor Analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The research revealed that: (1) Confirmatory Factors Analysis implied that attitude is the most important factor in the small enterprise administrators’ characteristics, technology in the environmental factors, products in the sustainable marketing factors, and customers in the small enterprise achievement related to the Sufficiency Economy philosophy (2) the effect analysis found that the administrators’ characteristics has high and direct effect to the business achievement and high and indirect effect through the sustainable marketing factors. Environmental factors directly affect the business achievement and also indirectly through the sustainable marketing factors in low level. The achievement of small enterprise in accordance to Sufficiency Economy Philosophy should focus on the characteristics of the small enterprise administrators and the sustainable marketing factors related to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, (3) the constructed model corresponded with the empirical evidence of all variables

(χ2= 135.52,df = 120, p-value= 0.157, χ2/df =1.129, RMSEA = 0.017)

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