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นภาวรรณ เนตรประดิษฐ์


The objectives of this study were to evaluate, to analyze confirmatory factor, and to examine the causal relationships with the operational effectiveness for Entrepreneurs’ Management of Ceramic Industrial Handicrafts Products (EMCIHP) at Lampang provincial area. Data from 127 entrepreneures of all 183 ceramic factories were analyzed by statistical pacage for computer program. Research results were as follows: 1) As a whole of all categories of the EMCIHP operational effectiveness, it was at the low level (p< .05). When identifying as a whole of each category, it was found that only one category of product quality was at the high level. On the contrary, the following 4 categories were at low level, namely, knowledge management, organizational network, marketing mix, and operational effectiveness (successfulness); 2) For confirmatory components analysis with the EMCIHP model, it revealed as follows: a) Knowledge management – 4 factors as crucial components and the first priority as “Knowledge building”; b) Organizational network–1 of 3 factors as crucial components and the first priority as “Resources management within industrial factory”; c) Product quality–5 of 6 factors as crucial components and the first priority as “Product design characteristics”; Marketing mix–4 factors as

crucial components and the first priority as “Products”; and d) Oerational effectiveness

(successfulness) –4 factors as crucial components and the first priority as “Financial dimension”; and 3) The structural equation model was confirmed with statistical assumptions as Chi-square = 130.51, df = 181, p-value = 0.997, RMSEA = 0.000, It could be explained in term of causal relationship as follow: The operational effectiveness for the EMCIHP at Lampang provincial area, most of them got the high direct effects from the 4 following crucial factors: Product quality at the high level

(Direct Effect=0.81) and those 4 following factors at the low level, namely Knowledge management (Direct Effect=0.19), Organizational networking (Direct Effect=0.19), and Marketing mix (Direct Effect=0.13). All 4 crucial factors could be predicted the operational effectiveness of the EMCIHP at Lampang provincial area at the 75.10 percent and at the .05 level of significance.”

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