the study of production function capability efficiency and chili marketing in sakonnakhon province

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ดร.จิตติ กิตติเลิศไพศาล


The purposes of the study were (1) to study the chili production function in Sakonnakhon Province, (2) to evaluate the technical efficiency level of each famer and the efficiency of inputs ( 3) to study of the generality in species, production, marketing system and chili quality and (4) to study supply chain of chili in Sakonnakhon. The researcher conducted focus group, survey, in-depth interview and questionnaire which interviewed the head of households, altogether 195 people. Descriptive analysis and Translog Production Function were applied for analyze data. This research found that the yellow chili seed resisted the diseases more than supper hot seed. To sort the quality of chili occurred when the chili price was 60 Baht or higher than this. The selling and purchasing mostly depended on planting area; however, the middleman determined the price and was the most importance in supply chain. The production variables were significant at 0.05 level such as chili planting area, amount of chili, fertilizer, chemical and workers. The coefficient of factor flexibility was in line with the production such as planting area, amount of chili, fertilizer, chemical and workers. The average of production technical production efficiency was 76.44% which meant this technique was in high level, the producing factor mostly was in moderate level except land factor.

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