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Rapeepat Sutthiserm
Panya Srising


The objectives of the research were to: 1) to examine level of motivation factors, influencing factors to explore media and self-development of vendors on Microstock 

website. 2) to compare self-development of vendors on Microstock website which are classified by personal information. 3) to study factors that affect to vendor’s self-development on Microstock website by questionnaires which have collected from 400 Thai vendors on Microstock website. Statistics that are used include Percentage, Mean, t, F, Multiple correlation. The results of the research indicating that: 1) Vendors on Microstock website have high level of motivation factors,influencing factors to explore media and self-development of vendors on Microstock website. 2) Differentiation of either Gender, Age and Work experience each vendor on Microstock website didn’t have significantly different to level of self-development. Meanwhile, the research shows that Education, Personal revenue and Work characteristics are differently affecting to level of self-development of each vendoron Microstock website. 3) Motivation and media exposure are affecting to self-development.Recommendation for this thesis. Vendors in website Microstock should have development of creating innovation learning in accordance with market demand. Define a clear purpose for work and measurable. Having to consistently submit your work to gain more sell opportunity.

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