The Development of Management Models of Primary School Network under the Office of the Basic Education Commission

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Boonlert Kaoekham
Thanee Kasthong
Sathon Saproungthong


The purposes of this research were 1. to analyze the elements of management models of Primary School Network under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. 2. To create the management models of Primary School Network under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, and 3. to evaluate the management models of Primary School Network under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. The research was conducted with 3 steps as follow; Step 1 Analyze the elements of management models of Primary School Network under the Office of the Basic Education Commission by using documents and interviewing 7 experts. The research data was collected 606 samples from 303 schools. The research instruments were interviewing and questionnaire with validity at 0.97. The statistics used were content analysis, frequency, percentage, standard deviation and exploratory factor analysis. Step 2 Create the management models of Primary School Network under the Office of the Basic Education Commission by examining the models using the expert-based seminar with 11 experts. The research instruments were a draft of the management models of Primary School Network under the Office of the Basic Education Commission and document for expert-based seminar. The statistic was content analysis. Step 3 Evaluate the management models of Primary School Network under the Office of the Basic Education Commission by collecting the data from 9 directors of the Primary Schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. The instruments were the models evaluation form and the manual for the management models of Primary School Network under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. The statistics were mean and standard deviation. The research found that 1. The 5 elements of the management models of Primary School Network under the Office of the Basic Education Commission are (1) group activity (2) quality improvement (3) using technology (4) members participation and (5) strategy development. 2. The management models of Primary School Network under the Office of the Basic Education Commission consists of 3 parts; (1) introduction comprises with concepts, principles and models objectives, (2) content and operation guidelines, and (3) conditions for success. 3.  The evaluation results of the manual for the management models of Primary School Network under the Office of the Basic Education Commission are accuracy, adequacy, possibility and usefulness, all in high level

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