The theory development of public policy implementation: A case study of oil spill pollution management policy from the oil spill at the Ao Phrao Beach, Rayong Province, Thailand

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Prachumporn Niratsayakul
Atiporn Gerdruang


This article is intended to study the theory of public Policy Implementation the problems and limitations and Recommend guidelines for the development of the theory of the implementation of oil spill pollution management policies of Thailand into action by using the mixed method research which is a qualitative and quantitative research for analysis and discussion results together to make more completion findings. From secondary data by surveying various documents, reports and primary data from the survey of sample groups in 4 population groups which are 1) the group involved in policy implementation 2) the group that caused the pollution 3) Community leaders in the affected area and 4) People in the affected area

The study indicated that the major problem and limitation in implementing the water pollution prevention and eradication policy in Thailand is the implementation of this case study of Ao Phrao Beach oil spill, which lacked the power to drive the policy to full efficiency. Although the agencies involved in the implementation of the policy are in accordance with the procedures set out in the national oil prevention and eradication plan. Including problems, obstacles, and limitations in the implementation of policies from various factors such as policy factors, management factors and policy maker factors which does not specify the importance of the factors of the affected area.  In the case of environmental sensitivity area, especially coupled with the implementation of the policy. There is a lot of complex interaction between policy implementation agencies, resulting in the delay in some steps, resulting in the implementation of the national oil and water pollution prevention and eradication policy implementation. In the case of oil spill in the Ao Phrao Beach, Rayong Province, did not achieve the target and objectives including the results of the outputs, outcomes and ultimate outcomes.

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