Influence of electronic word of mouth and travel motivations on attitude towards traveling of Thai elderly tourists

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Piyaporn Thamachart


The purpose of this study is to examine the influencing among e-WOM, travel motivations and travel attitudes of Thai elderly tourists. The sample population were senior tourists who were ages above 55 years. The online-questionnaires were designed in order for data collection with a snowball sampling technique. The total usable number of responses were 154. The statistics treatment of this study based upon the descriptive analysis such as percentage means, standard deviation and structural equation modeling (SEM) approach were employed to test the research hypotheses by applying the SPSS and AMOS. The Results indicated that the conceptual model perfectly aligns with the empirical data and both e-WOM. It was shown a significant positive effect on motivations at significance level 0.01 and motivations had a significant positive effect on travel attitude at significance level 0.01. Significantly, the findings indicated that e-WOM has a direct impact on travel motivations and an indirect impact on travel attitude. Therefore, tourism business operators can lunch a communication plan by creating a reviewing platform online through various media in order to enhance the motivations and the travel attitude among elderly tourists.

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