Organizational Effectiveness for Implementing the ISO 9001 International Quality Standard in the Industrial and Service Sectors

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ดวงใจ หทัยรัตน์ศิริ
ดร.สุทธนู ศรีไสย์
ดร.จินต์ วิภาตะกลัศ


The main objectives of this study were to examine, to compare, and to analyze factors of the effectiveness of Organizational Management (OM) before and after implementing ISO 9001 international quality standard in the Industrial and Service Sectors (ISS), including presenting the effective appropriate approaches of the OM before and after implementing the ISO 9001 in the ISS. Data of the study, getting from a qualitative set of questionnaires [IOC = 0.824 and Alpha-reliability coefficient = 0.988] were drawn from 300 officers [83.33 percent of multi-stage random sampling technique]. These statistics were analyzed by computing frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, paired sample t-test, factor analysis, and focus group discussion by experts. Research findings were as follows: 1) As a whole and 8 cateories of effectiveness of the OM, [namely, Customer focus, Leadership, Involvement of people, Process approach, System approach to management, Continual improvement, Factual approach to decision making, and Mutually beneficial supplier relationships], before implementing the ISO 9001 was at the moderate level. Also, after implementing the ISO 9001 was at the high level; 2) After implementing the ISO 9001, all 8 categories of effectiveness of the OM were significant increasingly developed at the .05 level; 3) There were 17 out of 49 variables as crucial issues affecting the effectiveness of the OM after implementing the ISO 9001; and 4) The appropriate approaches with the 4S-RICE model, that had effectiveness on the OM after implementing the ISO 9001, consisted of 8 approaches (crucial projects) for applying after finishing ISO 9001, namely, 1) Self-Evaluation,
2) Increasing Efficiency and Sharing Experience, 3) Research and Evaluation, 4) Strategic Planning, 5) Communication and Relations Building, 6) Self-confidence & Inspiration, 7) Experts & Resources Selection, and 8) Supplier Selection.

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