The Managerial Success of an Occupational Group of Thai Traditional Massage in the Region of Lampang Metropolitan Municipality, Lampang Province

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ดร.นภาวรรณ เนตรประดิษฐ์


The objectives of this study were to investigate, compare, analyze the factors of, and to present appropriate approaches to the managerial success (MS) of an Occupational Group of Thai Traditional Masseurs/Masseuses (OGTCM) in the region of Lampang Provincial Metropolitan Municipality (LPMM). Data – a questionnaire given to 291 masseurs/masseuses (93.87% of random sampling) and 298 customers (96.13% of random sampling), using multi-stage random sampling techniuqe, were employed. The following statistics were applied: frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, one sample t-test, two-way MANOVA, and factor analysis. Research findings were as follows: 1) a whole of MS of an OGTCM was at a low significance level (p<.05). Also, two of the four categories were at a high significance level: - namely the managerial competency and human resources/network-building categories; 2) place sizes and the Masseur’s /Masseuse’s incomes made the following 3 aspects significantly different (p<.05):- managerial competencies, service reliable, and human resources/network management; 3) twenty-three issues in the MS as crucial components of an OGTCM could explain the variance of MS at 77.98 percent; 4) the customers’ satisfaction components with the massage service quality, 22 crucial issues were found in 10 categories, namely, understanding/ knowing to customers, security, courtesy, ability of masseurs /masseuses in service, responding to customers, accessing to customers, communication, service tangible building, creditability, and reliability, explaining the variance of customer’s satisfaction at 67.28 percent; and 5) six appropriate approaches on managerial success were created for developing the OGTCM in the region of LPMM.

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