Components Related to the Effectiveness of Lifelong Learning Facilitation of Non-Formal Education and Educational Preference at the District Level in Accordance with Teachers Perception

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อุบล ทัศนโกวิท
ศ.ดร.ทวีป ศิริรัศมี
ดร.สมเกียรติ ศรีจักรวาฬ
ดร.วิกร ตัณฑวุฑโฒ


The objectives of this research paper were to analyze influences of components related to the effectiveness of lifelong learning facilitation of non-formal education and Educational preference at the district level in accordance with teachers perception. The sample group of 807 staff working for non-formal and informal education centers was chosen by multi-stage sampling. The data was collected by using the questionnaire with the reliability or alpha coefficient of 0.99 and then analyzed in terms of descriptive and inferential statistics by Statistical Package for Social Science and the Structural Equation Model analyzed program. The research results were summarized as follows:

1. The result of the goodness of fit test between the model and the empirical data analyzed by using Relative Chi-square, Goodness of Fit Index (GFI), Comparative Fit Index (CFI), and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) showed that the model was well fitted with the empirical data.

2. The components directly influencing the effectiveness of lifelong learning facilitation of the district non-formal and informal education centers ranked based on the level of coefficient from most to least were teacher behavior, learner characteristics, and administrator behavior, respectively. The components indirectly influencing the effectiveness were organization competency, administrator
behavior, and teacher behavior, respectively.

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