A Conceptual Study of Social Enterprise Development in Thailand

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ดร.ศักดิ์ดา ศิริภัทรโสภณ


The objectives of this research are to study concepts, and core factors behind the success of social enterprise (SE) around the world as well as to explore views from experts and experienced personals involving in the development of social enterprise in Thailand. Information gained from the study can be used to develop a preliminary and conceptual model to enhance capacity of Thailand’s SE. In this study, the primary and secondary data were collected using qualitative research method. The finding shows that some of SE has taken a good step in short time in many countries and that their governments have been a major supporter to their success. The fundamental tool that many nations recognize is to define a definition of Social Enterprise along with creation of SE supporting agencies. In order to foster Thailand’s SE, the government should be focusing on creation of master plan, specific SE law, intermediary agencies and funds to specifically promote SE, as well as an expansion of research for innovation development and building SE network at domestic and international levels. The results from the interview reveal that SE is also proved to reflect a more positive image of many companies. The cooperative efforts between public and private sectors to deliver social responsibility relevant activities have led to a greater outcome compared to individual efforts. In addition, Thailand should be able to develop its money and capital market specifically for SE as these businesses would usher in a future development and security of economy in Thailand. Moreover, Thai government should play an active role to initiate a model social activity for companies and create a measure to promote more investment e.g. tax privilege, and particular law for SE sustainable development.

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