Antecedents Affecting on Tourists’ destination loyalty of Phuket Province

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โกมล ดุมลักษณ์
ดร.กฤษณา ปลั่งเจริญศรี
ดร.วิเชียร ศรีพระจันทร์
ดร.บัณฑิต ผังนิรันดร์


The objectives of this research were to study a level of antecedents and tourists’ destination loyalty of Phuket Province and to develop and inspect the harmony of a model of influence paths of causal factors of tourists’ destination loyalty of Phuket Province with empirical data. The samples used in the research were Thai and foreign tourists traveling for sightseeing in Phuket Province, at least 2 times, total 252 tourists by utilizing a two-stage random sampling and conducting data analysis by a path analysis technique. From the data analysis, it is found that the tourists’ destination loyalty of Phuket Province, service quality, value perception, satisfaction and destination image of tourist attraction are in high level. Moreover, from the test hypothesis, it is found that the model of influence paths of causal factors of tourists’ destination loyalty of Phuket Province which are developed by the ersearcher is harmonious with the empirical data, considering from harmony index, namely χ2 = 3.09, df = 1, p-value = 0.07874; GFI = 1.00; AGFI = .97; RMR = .010; RMSEA = .055 by 1) the destination image of tourist attraction affecting value perception, satisfaction and destination loyalty, 2) the value perception affecting satisfaction and destination loyalty, 3) the quality in service affecting satisfaction and destination loyalty and 4). satisfaction affecting destination loyalty.

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