Managerial Success with Four Iddhipada of Buddhist Monks for Buddhism Propagation in the Region of Uthaithani Province

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ดร.สุทธนู ศรีไสย์
ดร.จินต์ วิภาตะกลัศ


The main objectives of this study were to investigate the managerial success, confirmatory factors, and causal relationships of the Managerial Success with Iddhipada 4 of Buddhist Monks (MS with I4BM) for Buddhism Propagation (BP) in the Region of Uthaithani Province (RUP). Data from 464 Monks of 293 Tamples qualitative questionnaires and the multi-stage random sampling were employed. All statistics were applied: frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, one-sample t-test, confirmatory factor analysis, and path analysis. Research findings were as follows: 1) A whole of success and the belief aspect in Buddhism with the I4BM for BP, they were at the high level. On the contrary, three following aspects were at the low level, namely management, personality, and communication (p < .05); 2) Confirmatory components of the MS with I4BM for BP in terms of following aspects: personality, communication, management, belief in Buddhism, and successfulness, consisted of 3, 3, 7, 4, and 4 crucial components respectively; and 3) As a result of casual analysis with the model of the MS with I4BM for BP, it was found that all data were relevant with the model, statistics as Chi-square = 109.14, df = 184, P-value = 1.000, RMSEA = 0.000. Also, it was concluded that the model could be appropriately and could be explained as follows: the MS with I4BM for BP in RUP received direct effects from both crucial factors of Belief in Buddhism and Management at the low level. Also, it received an indirect effect from the personality factor at the moderate level through the factor of management or belief in Buddhism. All those could predict the MS with I4BM for BP at 45.10 percent and at the .05 level of significance.

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