Factors Affecting Human Resource Management for Community Sustainability Bang Samak, Bang Pakong, Chachoengsao Province

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Pipat Pichetsiraprapa
Chutima Nootayasakul


This research aims (1) to study the factors that affect human resources management for sustainable communities. Bang Samak, Bang Pakong, Chachoengsao, and (2) to find the form factor affecting human resource management purposes the sustainability of communities, Bang Samak, Bang Pakong, Chachoengsao Province. Research by a hybrid (mixed method research) and quantitative. (Quantitative research) and qualitative (qualitative research) quantitative research. The study sample consisted of 300 questionnaires were used in this study were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation. And a multiple regression analysis of the correlation of a variable with the program. A study of quantitative research found that human resources development, community leader development, community economic development, community team and group development, and community sustainability, had an overall average value at a high level; and a result of an analysis on multiple regression with a relation of variables of community sustainability was 49.30 percent. Moreover, it was found that factors affecting human resources management for community sustainability were human resources development, community leader development, community economic development, community team and group development, at a significant level of .05. A correlation analysis revealed that relationship of factors affecting human resources management for community sustainability had a relationship in the same direction. On the other hand, a study of qualitative research on a group of 18 samples by running similar analysis found that emphasis should be placed on human resources development, community team and group development, community leader development, and community economic development, in that order, would influence the community sustainability. In conclusion, quantitative and qualitative research were both in conformation

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