A Study of Bike Way Utilization on Bangkok Using Binary Logit Model

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Panida Kaewnark
Kampanat Vijitsrikamol
Sujinna Karnnasuta


The main objective of this research is to study the influence on choosing whether to use any bike way types. A total of 338 passersby Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra Road, Bangkok were questioned and analyzed by Binary Logistic Regression. The results show that the majority of samples chose bike lane by assuming that alternative routes of BRT buses, there are three significant factors that contributed to this selection are the distance to workplace (effect the most), level of response to cycling campaign and level of concern to obstruction along bikeway. While 35.21% prefer bike shared use path with existing sidewalks, and there are two factors support this choice; using distance (effect the most) and attitude of using bicycle. The desired features for bikeway is smooth pavement, the necessary facility is bicycle parking, whereas the obstacle to bicycle use is unsafely. To encourage use of bicycles for urban areas, conveniently and safe bike lanes should be supported, developed in each area thoroughly, and regard to environment during the development of bikeways.

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