Influences of Socially Responsible Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility on Organizational Commitment of Employees of Srithai Superware Public Company Limited

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Kiatchai Chinsomboonkit
Phiphat Nonthanathorn


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the relationship, corporate social responsibility and organization commitment of employees of Srithai Superware Public Company Limited, 2) to study total effects of socially responsible leadership on organizational commitment by corporate social responsibility and to study direct effect for corporate social responsibility on organization commitment of employees Srithai Superware Public Company Limited. Simple random sampling was applied, and completely sample size was 400. The results found that correlation coefficient among observable variables were 0.101 – 0.960 and had a significant level at every variable. From structural equation modeling found that socially responsible had influence on organizational commitment with significantly and had indirect effect via corporate social responsibility with significantly and variance predicted by socially responsible leadership and corporate social responsibility at 52.9 percent : Moreover ; socially responsible leadership had influence on corporate social responsibility with significantly and the variance predicted by socially responsible leadership with 8.00 percent. Finally, stakeholders’ perception of corporate social responsibility hadn’t direct effect to organizational commitment. Fit indices of model were X2/df = 2.168 ; CFI = 0.968 ; NNFI = 0.957 ; RMSEA = 0.054 และ 90% CI for RMSEA = 0.067

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