Influences of Motivation and Perception of Organization Climate toward Individual Behavior of Warehouse Division’s Staff on King Power Group

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Thasma Kakaeo
Chairirk Keawpromman


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of working motivation, perception of organization climate and individual behavior of warehouse division’ staff on King Power Group 2) to study of the structural relationship among working motivation, perception of organization climate and individual behavior of warehouse division’ staff on King Power Group 3) to study the influence of working motivation and perception of organization climate toward individual behavior of warehouse division’ staff on King Power 4) to study the influence of working motivation toward individual behavior of warehouse division’ staff on King Power by perception of organization climate. A research tool is the questionnaires with the confidence index of 0.92 to study the sample group of 433 staffs of warehouse division on King Power Group. The research results were as follows 1) the mean level of working motivation, perception of organization climate and individual behavior were high level at 3.80, 3.78 and 3.85 respectively 2) working motivation was positively related to perception of organization climate at the statistical significance 0.833 (p<0.01) while perception of organization climate was positively related to individual behavior at the statistical significance 0.494 (p<0.01) and working motivation was positively related to individual behavior at the statistical significance 0.546 (p<0.01) 3) working motivation influenced on individual behavior at the statistical significance 0.439 (p<0.01) and perception of organization climate influenced on individual behavior at the statistical significance 0.128 (p<0.05) 4) working motivation influenced on individual behavior by perception of organization climate in low level at the statistical significance 0.107 (MOV → PER → BEH, γβ(0.439X0.128) = 0.107, p < 0.05) R2 = 0.303 means that 30.30 percent of variance on individual behavior can be explain and predict by working motivation

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