Decentralization in Provincial Education Management to Improve the Quality of Academic Institutions’ Education Management

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Wanida Sangsarapun


This research aims to analyze and identify the appropriateness on educational administration in educational legal entity institutions for agility and efficiency administration, as well as to provide guidance and opinion for format and appropriateness, and the consequent effect that may be occurred by different models of educational administration. It was carried out by using the qualitative research methods. The instruments employed in this study were documentary research, in-depth interview and focus group discussion. The outcomes may be useful for development and improvement of related legislation. The research is focusing on enforcing educational legal entity institution under Ministry of Education to be independent and flexible administration institution in three models including educational legal entity institution under Self-governing Province, educational legal entity institution in the form of Autonomous Public Organization, and independent educational legal entity institution in the form of Autonomy University. The findings of the research are as follows. Firstly, the administration of educational legal entity institution under Self-governing Province by Provincial Disbursement is inappropriate. It is recommended that, Local Government should be maintained for the strength of government control and supervision. Wherewith, the gimmick and roles of Local Government should be modified by responsible for self-standardization, self-control, and self-follow up. Secondly, the educational legal entity institution in the form of Autonomous Public Organization and the independent educational legal entity institution in the form of Autonomy University are not impact on structure of the government administration. However, the law prescribes that educational institutions must be under the control of Ministry of Education with national standards of educational quality. The last two institutional models mainly require readiness of the institutions, though there are only the large and extra-large institutions that are prepared for those formats of the administration. For that reason, the current educational administration by the Ministry of Education was designed for decentralization of authority to educational institutions with education service areas act as their mentors. Whilst the decentralization of authority for educational systems cannot be proceeded under the Laws of National Education, the Ministry of Education should take into account performing an update or modifying the process, method and condition for effective decentralization of authority. Finally, the Laws of National Education should be immediately legislated, to authenticate the legal entities of educational institutions. This is the principal tool for to educational institutions. Consequently, the educational institutions can completely precede any educational administration; no modification of education ministration structure prescribed in the National Education Act B.E. 2542 is required.

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