The Influence of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture on the Resignation of Staff of Government Agencies, State Enterprises and Private

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Patima Tanimkarn
Norarat Runkawee
Penporn Pukahuta


The objectives of this study were to investigate the influence of transformational leadership and organizational culture on the resignation of staff of the Lower Northeastern region’s organizations and compare the effect of transformational leadership and organizational culture factors on the resignation of staff between each organization such as government agencies, state enterprises, and private organizations. Questionnaires were instrument for collecting data with 676 staff of target organizations. Data analysis process using descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling approach (SEM). The results showed that the transformational leadership factor and organizational culture factor have significant effect on resignation of organization’s staff, which the role of organizational culture mediates fully effect on the transformational leadership and the resignation of staff and the proposed model was significant was fit with empirical data. Moreover, with regarding comparison the different organization, the state enterprise organization has significantly different effect than government agencies and private organization. Consequently, it means that the organizational leader should develop suitable management system, create team activity and establish clearly assessment tool to eliminate the effect of resignation of staff in organization and increase effectiveness of organizational performance.

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