The Applications by the Cultural Community of Amphoe Sam Khok, Pathum Thani Province in the Crime Control

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Akkakorn Chaiyapong
Vachiravitch Ittithanasuphavitch
Supatchaya Weerakul


The apply of community culture lifestyle of peoples in Amphoe Samkhok, Pathum Thani Province towards crime control were origin from the researcher’s interesting to study about the apply their community culture lifestyle to be mechanism to control crime in this area, especially using of Social values, and beliefs in the community to be the main instruments. Following to the study about Mon descendance peoples resides in Amphoe Samkhok by the researcher, it reveals that the group of their ancestor were moved to reside in this area since the Ayuthaya era. Most of the Mon descendance peoples respects to the Bhudism, including the believe as “Pee” (ghost) is liken be the sacred that always protecting to all of the peoples in community. Furthermore, in each family believed that eldest son is regards to the important person, because of his responsible to keep that private property of the ghost. With this belief, eldest son of Mon descendance peoples should be stricted in traditions and to be good behavior man. Then, the belief becomes good effect for crime control, implicitely. Other traditions such as: funeral ceremony; Sonkran; the end of Buddhist lent and give food offering to hundred Buddhist monk on boat; including to the rice porridge stirring tradition that always made of unity in the Mon descendance peoples in the community. Tradition towards respect to elder peoples, and to follows that other old and fine tradition and culture is the important mechanism of the community for participation of children and youth group, including to be good mechanism of crime protect and control. Because of the community culture lifestyle of Mon descendance peoples in Amphoe Samkhok is the effective social mechanism for crime control. Thus, it becames to be role model for other communities for applying of community culture lifestyle likes traditions; cultures; and beliefs to be instrument for crime control. The results as above-mentioned were indicated that co-operation amongs each of public sector, making knowledge about important of community culture lifestyle for all over people, and to understanding and accept to community culture lifestyle by legal officers and government sectors is the most important, especially in the applying of community culture lifestyle to be mechanism of crime control.

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