Influences of Socially Responsible Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on CSR Activities Participation of Employee of Bangkok Commercial Asset Management Public Company Limited

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Chalita Mitchapoom
Phiphat Nonthanathorn


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the relationship among socially responsible leadership, organizational citizenship behavior and participation in CSR of employee of Bangkok Commercial Asset Management Public Company Limited, 2) to study the influence of socially responsible leadership on organizational citizenship behavior of employee of Bangkok Commercial Asset Management Public Company Limited, 3) to study the direct and indirect effect of socially responsible leadership and direct effect of organizational citizenship behavior on participation in CSR of employee of Bangkok Commercial Asset Management Public Company Limited, and 4) to study the influence of organizational citizenship behavior on participation in CSR of employee of Bangkok Commercial Asset Management Public Company Limited. Sample was employee of Bangkok Commercial Asset Management Public Company Limited and sample size was 270. The results found that correlation coefficient among observable variables were 0.382 – 0.785. From structural equation modeling found that socially responsible leadership had influence on organizational citizenship behavior with significantly and the variance predicted by socially responsible leadership with 48 percent. And socially responsible leadership had influence on participation in CSR with significantly and had indirect effect via organizational citizenship behavior with significantly and variance predicted by socially responsible leadership and organizational citizenship behavior at 67 percent. Finally, organizational citizenship behavior had direct effect to participation in CSR with significantly. Fit indices of the model were X2/df = 0.688, CFI = 0.998, NNFI = 0.996, RMSEA = 0.035 และ 90% CI for RMSEA = 0.00

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