Factors affect the Effectiveness of Learning English Language on Higher Education Students

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Phannee Rojanabenjakun
Sriprarinya Toopgrajank
Chandej Charoenwiriyakul


This research aimed to study: 1) The levels of organizational administration, metacognition strategy, awareness of English language, learning technology and the effectiveness of learning English language on higher education students. 2) The influence on organizational administration, metacognition strategy, awareness of English language and learning technology affected the effectiveness of learning English on higher education students. The technique used for analyzing was quantitative approach and the selected population was 320 undergraduate students from College of Allied Health Sciences who were selected by a stratified random sampling method. The tool of this research was a questionnaire. The results of the first objective showed that the organizational administration was in moderate level which concerned with culture, motivation and learning environment. Besides, the awareness of English language, learning technology, and the metacognition strategy consisted of planning, cognitive domain, knowledge tracking, and self-appraisement. Additionally, the awareness of learning that consisted of understanding, studying and behavior were in high level which were related to the effectiveness of learning English language that concerned communication with English language, happiness in learning and job opportunity. Findings, the results of 2nd objective revealed that (1) the metacognition strategy, the organizational administration and the awareness of English language influenced on the effectiveness of learning English on higher education students in contrast to the learning technology. Furthermore, the metacognition strategy influenced on the organizational administration, the awareness of English language and the learning technology. In addition, the findings of this research suggest that the metacognition strategy can apply the method of English language development for the higher students in order to improve the communication skills, and promote the happiness in learning and job opportunity.

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