Factors Influence Competence Development of Textile and Apparel Entrepreneurs for ASEAN Competition

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Sumalee Srisuponvanit
Narong Kulnides
Sudawan Somjai


The objectives of this research were to create a structural equation model for confirm influenced factors to competence development of textile and apparel entrepreneur for ASEAN competition. Selected sample sizes in Bangkok Metropolitan Region. The sample sizes were 380 of Thailand textile and apparel entrepreneurs, from systematic randomization.The instrument was a questionnaire and then analyzed with descriptive statistics and a structural equation model with LISREL. The research results can be summarized as follows: The structural equation model found that business performance and organizational climate had positive direct influenced a competence development of textile and apparel entrepreneurs for ASEAN competition, on the other hand training & development had negative influenced a competence development of textile and apparel entrepreneurs. Furthermore personal learning and organization culture did not influence competence development of textile and apparel entrepreneurs for ASEAN competition.

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