Needs of the people for training on mushroom of Lukphradabos project

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ดวงใจ โยธาวงษ์
พัฒนา สุขประเสริฐ
เฉลิมพล จตุพร


The objectives of this research were to study the relationship between personal data of trainees and media access to training program types of mushroom and the specific training on mushroom cultivation programs offered by Lukphradabos project. Questionnaires were used to collect data from 400 samples. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation and hypothesis testing with Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The findings showed that various factors were related to mushroom cultivation theory and practical training.Regarding to part of theory, types of mushroom, training time period, distance from home to Lukphradabos project, and frequency of their exposure to information from the social media are critical factors, significantly associated to their training need. Types of mushroom, distance from home to Lukphradabos project, frequency of their exposure to information from the social media, time spent on getting information from public media, and media credibility are the critical factors, significantly related to training need in practical part. The factors on materials and conveniences related to the needs for mushroom cultivation training were types of the required mushroom, number of days that would be available, distance from home to Lukphradabos project, and frequency of their exposure to information from the social media.

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