Administration of Shows Promotion of the Public Television Stations according to the Sustainable Administration Concept

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Chalunthorn Kaewdaeng
Wiruch Wiruchnipawan


Objectives of this study were chiefly to explore 1) problems of administration of shows promotion of the Public Television Stations according to the Sustainable Administration Concept, 2) improvement guidelines of administration of shows promotion of the Public Television Stations according to the Sustainable Administration Concept, and 3)model of improvement guidelines of administration of shows promotion of the Public Television Stations according to the Sustainable Administration Concept. The Sustainable Administration Concept of 5 aspects: Technology, Society or Public, Environment, Quality of life, and Network, was applied as major conceptual framework of this study. Methodology of this research was designed the research design as mixed methods research. The quantitative research was survey research collecting field data from samples with questionnaires. The questionnaires passed try out of validity and reliability check .Population was all television entertainment performers of the Television Station Channel 9 and Channel 11 in Bangkok Metropolis. For the results of the study, the problem of TV program or show promotion is moderate score especially the problems about social administration. The public television should support TV program by considering social satisfaction. Moreover, the public television should focus on administration of show promotion according to the sustainable administration concept, especially professional or competent administrator promotion whose determined intention and caring for social benefits to responsible for the job.

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