The Influence of Participatory Administration on the Work Performance of Employees at Commercail Banks in Thailand

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Duangruodee Semaphu
Norapol Chinuntdej
Prayong Meechaisue


In this thesis, the researcher examines the influence of (1) participatory administration on crosssection coordination, efficient teamwork, and work performance. The researcher also studies (2) the effects of cross-section coordination on efficient teamwork and work performance. Finally, the researcher investigates (3) the effects of efficient teamwork on work performance. The sample population consisted of 432 employees of commercial banks in the Kingdom of Thailand (Thailand). Data were collected in the area of Bangkok Metropolis and its environs. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Using techniques of descriptive statistics, the researcher analyzed the data collected in terms of mean and standard deviation. Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient method and structural equation modeling (SEM) utilizing the linear structural relations (LISREL) 8.80 statistical software package were also employed by the researcher. Applying SEM, the researcher developed a causal model of the influence of participatory administration on the work performance of the employees under study. This model was found to be congruent with empirical data at a very good level. In hypothesis testing, it was additionally found that the model was congruent with the set hypotheses postulated for this inquiry for all items at the statistically significant level of .01. Findings showed that the latent variables of cross-section coordination and efficient teamwork associated with participatory administration showed positive direct and indirect influence on employees’ work performance. The variable of cross-section coordination exerted positive direct and indirect influence on the work performance of employees. This means that an organization’s administration should adopt a policy whereby employees are encouraged to participate by virtue of cooperating in cross-section coordination and in team work. If so, this would conduce to enhanced efficiency and effectiveness on the part of commercial bank employees in Thailand. The researcher also found that participatory administration bore effects on employees’ work performance. Accordingly, those who are interested in this issue can profitably apply this principle in their own organizations. As such, they should pay close heed to making improvements in work processes. Work plans should be clearly displayed. Opinions should be exchanged. In cross-section coordination, the feasibility of extrapolating variegated components of communication systems should be considered. Organizational structure policy should be precisely delineated. Concerning the elements of efficient teamwork, providing advice to teams should be considered. Participation should be willingly embraced, especially vis-à-vis taking on a leadership role. Lastly, in regard to work performance, the compliance of work performance with standards and regulations should be taken into consideration. The quantity of work performance should be responsive to a set plan in addition to being geared to fostering customer satisfaction. Organizations should decrease operational costs per unit. Finally, personnel should be increasingly able to augment output per unit. 

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