Factor Analysis of Social Marketing Factors towards the Environmental Friendly Products Buying Behavior of Consumers in Thailand

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Phuangpornphat Viriya
Navin Meenakan
Phiphat Nonthnathorn
Tipparat Laohavichien


The research was aim to study confirmatory factor analysis of social marketing towards in environmentally friendly products buying behavior of consumers in Thailand. To serve as a guide in planning social marketing optimization and enterprise business context of the stimulus to encourage consumer purchase behavior in environmentally friendly products. Questionnaires were used to collect information from consumer’s nationwide 724 people. The result found that Elements of the means of social marketing. Can be divided into six elements include social marketing, environmental policies. Social marketing mix consists of Product Pricing Distribution Communications and the reference group In addition, the test found. Model to measure is consistent with empirical data the Chi-Square = 242.475, df = 138, p = 0.61, RMSEA = 0.032, GFI = 0.978, AGFI = 0.927, according to all the criteria. The suggestion was that the environmental social marketing policy, the social marketing mix and the reference group were the arousing factors of the environmental friendly products buying behaviour of the consumers in Thailand. Besides, the business organizations could also apply to plan the social marketing strategies especially for the environment friendly products or the concerning industry. The purposes were to suggest the innovative products to the consumers as well as to differentiate the business from other competitors. In addition, it could sustainably make the marketing promotion for the environment friendly products in Thailand.

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