Development of Guidelines for Implementation of the Community for Developing Well-being of the Elderly

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Kunwadee Rojpaisarnkit
Warakorn Kreingkaisakda


This research was a participatory action research by using qualitative research methods. The objective was to develop the guidelines for guidelines for implementation of the community for developing well-being of the elderly. Research area was Nong-nae Sub-district located in Phanom Sarakham District in Chachoengsao Province. Leaders of the elderly club and community leaders which come from various parties in the community were key actors of this research. Processes and procedures included six phases: 1) preparation of community, 2) to assess the situations and the implementation of the community for developing well-being of the elderly, 3) synthesis factors affecting the implementation of the community for developing well-being of the elderly 4) restoring the data to the community 5) reviewing activities designed to develop elderly well-being that consistent with urban context and the needs of elderly 6) finalized and presented guidelines for implementation of the community for developing well-being of the elderly. The results showed that healthy elderly activities include seven main activities, i.e. monthly meeting activities, visit the elderly at home, friendly group supervision, promote physical activities, elderly welfare, and culture and traditional activities. Factors affecting the implementation of the community for developing well-being of elderly were composed of six factors, i.e. human capital resources, funds for the operation, support and cooperation from partners, management system of the elderly club, context of community culture, and the characteristics of the people in the community. Guidelines for implementation of the community for developing well-being of the elderly can be explained that it must be done with the support and collaboration of partners through the management system of the elderly club in the community and the community participatory actions. While the elderly leaders and elderly volunteers in the community were important human resources.

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