Economic, Social, and Cultural Status Changes of Thai Women Marrying Foreign Men in Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Kornpatsorn Chaikitpinyo
Montri Sriladlao
Pranjai Jirawatcharadet


This qualitative research aimed at investigating the background of Thai women marrying foreign men, the current situations and difficulties, the patterns of economic, social, and cultural status changes of Thai women marrying foreign men in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Three sub – districts selected for the research area were Mueang Nakhon Ratchasima Sub – District, SoengSang Sub – District, and Phimai Sub – District. A sample of 87 people was selected by means of a purposive sampling. Research data were collected from a documentary study and a field study through observations, interviews, focus group discussions. Research results were presented by means of a descriptive analysis. The results have indicated that in 1964, a war was appeared in Vietnam and Field Marshal Thanom Kittikhachorn signed a Memorandum of Understanding on allowing the US. Army based in Thailand. At that time many Thai women willingly led their life of hired wives and prostitutes. Some women and foreign men registered their marriage. At present, most marriage of Thai women and foreign men are held for an economic reason. The problems found are these: most Thai women are not aware of their marriage registration and they are not aware the law concerning the right s and roles of a wife after a marriage. The integration of problems and problem solutions resulted from economic, social,
and cultural changes should be an appropriate sustainable way.

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