The Relationship between Sustainable Stock Investment Codes

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Chalieo Vitoorapakorn
Pawat Vitoorapakorn
Sukhumpong Channuwong
Thuchapon Yodthong
Ornpapha Chutikorntaweesin


The purposes of this research were 1) to study factors influencing decision making for sustainable stock investment of the Securities Analysts, 2) to study factors influencing decision making for sustainable stock investment of the individual investors, 3) to analyze a relationship among Sustainable Stock Investment Code, and 4) to propose sustainable stock investment direction. The researcher used the mixed research method in conducting this research. The qualitative data were collected from an in-depth interview with eleven securities analysts, and the quantitative data were collected from questionnaires distributed to 420 individual investors in Bangkok. The statistics used in this research consisted of Content Analysis, Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, Pearson Correlation,and Structural Equation Model (SEM). The point of view of the Securities Analysts showed that individual investors should consider six investment methods: self-awareness, knowing the risk, the analysis tools, finding knowledge, planning the investment, and following up the result; and four decision factors: fundamental, executive, information and news, and technique as the important factors for making decision on stock investment. Moreover, the research revealed the codes of three Highs for investing in growth stock: High Growth, High Margin, and High Price; and four Highs for sustainable stock: High Growth, High Margin, High Dividend and High Price, which are considered as the ideal stock investment. The results also showed that the correlation between four variables of the investment codes: High Growth, High Margin, High Dividend, and High Price, have the relationship in the same direction with the statistical significance at the level of .01. With regard to the codes of sustainable stock investment, High Growth (HG) has positive direct and indirect influence on High Price (HP). High Margin (HM) and High Dividend (HD) have positive direct influence on High Price (HP), and High Margin (HM) has the highest positive direct influence on High Price (HP).

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Research Articles
Author Biography

Pawat Vitoorapakorn, Chief Executive Officer, Eastern Polymer Group Public Company Limited.


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