Influences of Servant Leadership and Public Mind on Conserving Cultural Resource through People Participation of Banglumpoo Community, Bangkok Metropolitan

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Trinnabhuss Pipatmongkolchay
Phiphat Nonthanathorn


The purposes of this research are 1) Study on level of Servant Leadership and Public Mind to Conserving Cultural Resource through People Participation 2) Study on correlation of Servant Leadership and Public Mind to Conserving Cultural Resource through People Participation. 3) Study on effected of Servant Leadership and Public Mind to Conserving Cultural Resource through People Participation. 400 samplings were selected by stratified random sampling. For final analysis processed collected by questionaire with 92.5 percent confidence level. The correlation result showed that Servant Leadership and Public Mind had positive relationship with Conserving Cultural Resource through People Participation at high statistic significant. Path Analysis explained about Servant Leadership and Public Mind had Influence to Conserving Cultural Resource through People Participation by direct and indirect effect. Stepwise Regression explained about Servant Leadership and Public Mind had Influence to Conserving Cultural Resource through People Participation. Even so this research found, no need all factors of Servant leadership and Public mind for explained Conserving Cultural Resource through People Participation. Can use only 2 factors for explained the Conserving Cultural Resource through People Participation as Emotional healing and Operating and they can predicted for Conserving Cultural Resource through People Participation 45.8%

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