Factors of Standard on Quality Control Affecting to the Success of Accounting Firms in Thailand

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Suthira Thipwiwatpotjana


This research aimed to (1) study the success level of accounting firms in Thailand, (2) determine the relationship between the standard on quality control with the success of the accounting firms in Thailand and (3) examine factors of standard on quality control affecting to the success of accounting firms in
Thailand. The samples were 117 accounting firms in Thailand that certified by the Department of Business Development. The research tool was a questionnaire with a coefficient of reliability of 0.95. The participants were managers/heads of accounting firms. Data have analyzed using descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that (1) success of accounting firms in overall and each aspects include the finance aspect, the customer aspect, the aspect of internal process, and the aspects of learning process and growth were in a high level; (2) factors of standard on quality control in every aspect correlates with the success of accounting firms at a statistically significant level of 0.01; (3) factors of standard on quality control in document management aspect, and resources management aspect affecting to the overall success of accounting firms at the correlation coefficient of 0.657 and can explain variances in success of accounting firms at 42.2%

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