Marriage Equality Rights for Sexual Diversity People in Thailand 1

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Chawinroj Terapachalaphon
Panumas Kudngaongarm


The objective of this research is to study the concepts and the relevant theories which are the sources of Marriage Equality Rights by analyzing causes of the lack of marriage equality of Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Inter-sex, Queer (LGBTIQ) in Thailand. In addition, comparison between Thai
laws, International laws, France laws and United Kingdom laws were also performed. The results from the comparison were used as the guideline for the consideration of modifying the existing laws or proposing the new law that can solve the problems for LGBTIQ Couples in Thailand. The applied methodology was qualitative method, basing on documentary works from Thai and International laws,researches and articles, including in-depth interviews of LGBTIQ Couples, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO), Laws Lecturers and other parties related to Marriage Laws in Thailand. The results of the study
showed that LGBTIQ Couples in Thailand faced problems. The problems were caused by the enactment of Marriage Law under Thai Civil and Commercial Code (CCC), stating that only the gender assignment at birth as a man and a woman can be a couple who has the marriage right to be legally married. The action affected LGBTIQ Couples to lose their rights and duties under CCC and under other local laws as the laws refer to the rights of spouses, husband and wife and statutory heir with the reference to the mentioned problems. Although Thai Constitution B.E. 2550 and B.E. 2560 were legislated with the principle of non-discrimination against gender and Thailand also signed and ratified Conventional International Laws having the same principle, but the problems still exist. Internationally, there are two types of legislation for LGBTIQ relationships, Marriage Equality Law and Civil Partnership Laws and such laws exist in France and United Kingdom. In 2013 - 2016, Rights and Liberties Protection Department, Ministry of Justice in Thailand has drafted Registration Civil Partnership Bill, while Thai NGO has drafted Civil Partnership Bill. However, both of drafts did not achieve the same level of equality, dignity and rights as they were presented in Marriage Law under CCC

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