Police Cadet Curriculum for Police Profession: Directions in the Next Decade (B.E.2555–2564)

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Meechai Sicharoen


The research aims to study the directions of police cadet curriculum for police profession in the next decade (B.E.2555 – 2564). The research methods are composed of in-depth interviewing experts and five groups of related key informants and giving a seminar on study results for related persons. The
study found that the curriculum philosophy has to contain knowledge in practical skill, morality and ethics. Five groups are composed of 1) six experienced experts who have been teaching and/or developing university education curriculum for at least three years, 2) two experienced experts who have been
teaching and/or working in judicial field for at least three years, 3) seven experienced experts who have been administrating police organization and/or teaching at Royal Police Cadet Academy for at least three years, 4) four experts who are members of Board of Education at Royal Police Cadet Academy
and 5) two key informants who are class 62nd police cadets. After analyzing the data, conducting group seminars and related persons discussing on the data,
The study found out that the curriculum’s important components must be composed of university level basic courses, police courses, practical police profession courses and also promoting ethics and morality at the same time. Besides, learning and teaching process should aim at integrated theory and
practice as well. The curriculum objectives must cover knowledge in academics, profession skills, morality and ethics of being a decent police officer. The curriculum must include fundamental subjects, police academics and subjects focusing on police profession practical skills, learning experience and teaching
and learning activities that provide skillful internships. The evaluation has to be done in various measurements. Future trend in learning and teaching curriculum should be mainly composed of various cultures, environment, modern communication skills, economic crime, cyber crime, transnational
crime, cyber security, alien workers, human trafficking, transnational natural resources and environmental crime, etc. Accordingly, the above statement are fundamental principles leading to the concept of creating professional police with being decent, knowledgeable, skillful, ideological, and ethical who will
always stand by Thai people.

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Research Articles


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