Communication Strategies to Promote Organic Agriculture Participatory of Ban Jumrung Community, Klaeng District, Rayong Province

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athanan Wiriyawit


This researchobjective was communicationstrategies development to promoteorganic agriculture at Ban Jumrung community, Klaeng District, Rayong province. This research was Participatory Action Research (PAR). The data collection instrument was community research instruments including to “Jar of life”, “Production Calendar” and “Local Wisdom Elite”. Another instrument was qualitative research instruments including to interviewing, observation, and group discussion. The research found that the organic agriculture of Ban Jumrung had three problems. It was consisted of production, marketing and labor. The farmers had negative attitude for organic agriculture that it’s difficult, low production and high risk. Then the communication strategies consist of three strategies 1) “The Ugly Duckling” strategy to emphasize the advantage of organic fruit. 2) “Fear” strategy for risk managementon the middleman 3) “One Farm One Tree” strategy for easily decision making to start tochange. After implement it was affectivetothe decisionof a group of farmer inthecommunity to start to change their farm to organic farm in the name of “Organic Fruit Group”

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