The Development of Human Resources Competency in Industry Sector to Provide the Readiness in ASEAN Community

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Tatchapong Sattabut


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the competency needs of human resource staff in industry sector to provide the readiness in ASEAN community 2) to develop competency development manual for human resources in industry sector to provide the readiness in ASEAN community. Sample included 765 employees taking up positions of managing director, human resource manager, human resource supervisor and human resource staff from the 8 core industries in Thailand which were 1)Food and agriculture 2) Consumer products 3) Finances 4) Industrial products 5) Real estate and construction 6) Resources 7) Services and 8) Technologies. The questionnaires were administrated to rating scale. Statistical analyses consisted of standard deviation, percentage, frequency, mean, exploratory factor analysis and cross-validation by confirmatory factor analysis The research results by confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the factor loading of 5 competency factors were between 0.78-0.96, square multiple correlation of 5 competency factors were between 0.61-0.92, construct reliability (ρc) was 0.95 and average variance extracted (ρv) was 0.80, there’ve been 5 competencies of human resource staff for industry sector to provide the readiness in ASEAN community as follows: 1) Human Resource Recruitment and Selection and 2) Human Resource Retention and Human Resource Development 3) Talent Management and Organization Development 4) Problem Solving and Organization Supporting and 5) Leadership in Human Resource Management The results of evaluation for competency development manual for human resources in industry sector to provide the readiness in ASEAN community showed the content was up to date, timely and globalization. The manual could be used to develop human resources in industry sector to provide the readiness in ASEAN community. The average rating of the total satisfaction towards entire manual at 4.50 which was ranged in a very good level.

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