Harmony Engagement in the Sufficiency Economy Village Module with Buddhadhamma

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Sompoch Suwunnarat
Suvin Ruksat
Sumanop Siwarat
โสภณ ขำทัพ


The objectives of this dissertation were: 1) to study the harmony engagement of the sufficiency economy village module, 2) to study the principles of Buddhadhamma supporting harmony engagement of the sufficiency economy village module, 3) to integrate the principles of Buddhadhamma in harmony engagement of the sufficiency economy village module, and 4) to propose a guideline and body of knowledge in harmony engagement the sufficiency economy village module with the principles of Buddhadhamma. The study used qualitative research method by observation, participation, in-depth interview and focus group discussion. The results of the study found that 1. The harmony engagement the sufficiency economy village module consisted of 4 main ways; Living a life together through activities and ceremonies, career and career network, social life and social activity interest, and culture
and custom conservation. 2. The most principles of Buddhadhamma supporting living a life together were Saraniyadhamma, followed by Aparihaniyadhamma, Sappurisadhamma and Sangahavatthu respectively. The most principles of Buddhadhamma supporting the village members’ career were
Saraniyadhamma, followed by Sappurisadhamma, Aparihaniyadhamma, and finally Sangahavatthu. The principles of Buddhadhamma supporting social association started with Saraniyadhamma and then followed by Aparihaniyadhamma, Sappurisadhamma and Sangahavatthu respectively. In culture and
custom conservation, the most principles of Buddhadhamma used were Saraniyadhamma, followed by Aparihaniyadhamma, Sappurisadhamma and Sangahavatthu respectively. 3. The integration of Buddhadhamma in harmony engagement of the sufficiency economy village module was not fixed but
depended on activities and members participating in each activity. Usually the use of Buddhadhamma was related to one another principle. 4. A guideline and a new body of knowledge on harmony engagement of the sufficiency economy village module with Buddhadhamma could be concluded into “MMMSH Model” which consisted of Mercy, Meeting, Management and Sacrifice leading to Harmony.

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