Socially Responsible Leadership Influencing to Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Employee in the Sustainable Development Company of Thailand

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Pornchai Sakdanuwatwong


The objectives of this research were to study 1) the level and relationship among socially responsible leadership, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior, and 2) the influence of socially responsible leadership on organizational commitment and organizational citizenship
behavior. Sample was employee in the sustainable development company in Thailand. Multi stage sampling technique was applied including quota and convenience sampling, and completely sample size was 400. Using techniques of descriptive statistics, the data collected were analyzed in terms of
mean and standard deviation, In addition, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient method and the structural equation modeling technique were also employed. The results found the level of socially responsible leadership, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior were high every factors. While the correlation coefficient among observe variables were 0.54-0.78 and had a significant level at every pair of variables. From structural
equation modeling found that socially responsible leadership had influence on organizational commitment with significantly and the variance predicted by socially responsible leadership with 60.8 percent. Moreover, socially responsible leadership had influence of organizational citizenship behavior
with significantly and had indirect effect via organizational commitment with significantly and variance predicted by socially responsible leadership with 36.4 percent. Finally, organizational commitment had direct effect to organizational citizenship behavior with significantly. Fit indices of the model were
χ²/df = 2.93, RMSEA = 0.071, GFI = 0.946, CFI = 0.979 and NNFI = 0.972

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