Development of A Model of Public Organizational Effectiveness Measurement in ASEAN: Multilevel Structural Equation Model Analysis

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ภัทราวดี มากมี


The objectives of this research were: (1) to develop public organizational for educational institutions effectiveness measurement model in ASEAN (2) to study causal factors from ASEAN influencing public organizational for educational institutions effectiveness at individual and academic field levels and (3) to test invariance of a multilevel causal analysis model of educational institutions effectiveness between Thailand Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Kingdom of Cambodia. A total of 120 fields and 1,200 samples were randomly stratified. Instrument used was a questionnaire of organizational effectiveness of Cameron (1978, 1986) was described by 9 variables. The results with reliability Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient ranging from 0.718 to 0.898. Statistical analyses were made
based on descriptive statistics and Multilevel Structural Equation Model analysis were performed using Mplus. The research results were shown as follows: (1) The model of public organizational for educational institutions effectiveness in ASEAN in terms of student s’ perceptions indicated that for both levels, all variables were important for representing the effectiveness. At the individual level, the most important variable was the student personality development while, at the field level, the most important variable was the staff employment satisfaction. However, the organizational health was less important at both levels. (2) The proposed multilevel causal model of public organizational for educational institutions effectiveness in ASEAN fitted quite well with the empirical data. The predictor variables at the individual and field levels accounted for variance of public organizational effectiveness in ASEAN about 76.90% and 77.90%, respectively and (3) Multilevel Structural Equation Model the organizational effectiveness of the public sector for educational institutions in the region has variance the model between Thailand Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Kingdom of Cambodia. The recommendations for future research should include Multilevel Structural Equation Model to study the effectiveness of the public sector in each country separately and adding qualitative information to find
ways to develop further

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