Managerial Competency Development of Community Leaders in Pathum Thani Province for Preparing to ASEAN Community

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ดร. เกียรติชัย เวษฎาพันธุ์
ดร. โชติ รัสชวนิชย์
ดร. วิระศักดิ์ ฮาดดา
ดร. รัฐพล สันสน
ดร. อมรรัตน์ ศรีวาณัต


This research aimed to (1) survey the personal characteristics, management style, human resource management, executive skills, shared values and management competencies of community leaders.(2) compare the different personal factors of executives with community leaders management competencies (3) analyze the potential factors and management ability of community leaders affecting the management competencies in Pathum Thani province for preparing to ASEAN community. This research was a survey research. Research methodology used quantitative research, samples were 400 community leaders. Statistics employed in the research were descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing by using multiple regression and in-depth interview. The finding found that (1) the samples were mostly female, 41 - 50 years old, with lower than bachelor’s degree, the average monthly income of less than 30,000 baht and under 5 years of work experiences. The leaders emphasized on knowledge management system in management style, utilizing human resource management, response to change in executive skills, team work in shared values and human relation in management competencies factors. (2) the
different executives characteristics affected on management competencies with no different. Management characteristics were education level. and (3) the analysis of potential and ability which affected management competencies found that management ability and management competencies affected on management competencies as a whole.

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