The Education Management in School Development to be Teacher-Learning Organization in High School in Educational Service Area Office 8

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สุนันท์ นิลพวง


The purposes of this research are to 1) study the effects of personal factors on education management in Educational Service Area Office8 2) study the effects of education management on school development to be teacher-learning organization in Educational Service Area Office 8 and 3) suggest approaches for school development to be a learning organization in Educational Service Area Office8. The samples consisted of 1667 teachers from 55 schools who work in the Educational Service Area Office8. Taro Yamane’s formula and simple random sampling were used to determine the sample group giving 324 teachers for the group. Analytical statistics was divided into 1) descriptive statistics using percentage, mean and standard deviation and 2) Interential Statistics analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA and Confirmatory Factor analysis.The analysis of the composition of the education management in school development to be teacher-learning organization in high school in Educational Service Area Office8 shows that they are high-related to each other up to 86%. Education management factors are affected by general administration (λX = 0.38), budget administration (λX = 0.34), personal management (λX = 0.33) and academic management (λX = 0.27) respectively.Factors for school development to be a learning organization are affected by systematic thinking (λX = 0.39), united visions (λX = 0.37), teamwork (λX = 0.37), internal protocol (λX = 0.36) and excellent team members (λX = 0.31) respectively

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