Local Wisdom Inheritance of Teen Chok Tai-Yuan Fabric Production in Ratchaburi Province

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ดร. วรรณา โชคบรรดาลสุข
กุลยา อนุโลก
วรลักษณ์ ทองประยูร


Teen Chok Tai-Yuan fabric was a kind of local hand-woven textile, which was formulated by the local wisdom of the Yonok settlers in Chiang Saen city. It was passed down to descendants over many generations. The research focused on: 1) codifying the knowledge repository of Teen Chok Tai-Yuan fabric patterns in Ratchaburi province, 2) transferring the local wisdom on Teen Chok Tai-Yuan fabric production through the weavers of new generations. Qualitative research method was used for data collection and undertaken from 2014 to 2015. The area of the study was in Tambon Kubue, Tambon Donrae, Tambon Rang Pum Bue in Ratchaburi province. The 15 key informants included local philosopher, primitive Teen Chok weavers, as well as academic experts in Teen Chok Tai-Yuan textile. Data was collected by In-depth Interview, Unstructured interview, Non-Participant Observation and Participant Observation. Data analysis was performed with content analysis and a holistic synthesis. The finding was discovered that the original Teen Chok fabric patterns of Thai Yuan in Ratchaburi consisted of 8 common patterns as follows: 1) Dok-Sia, 2) Kab, 3) Na-Morn, 4) Khong-Kheng, 5) Kab-DokKhaw, 6) Khong-Kheng-Sorn-Sia, 7) Kab-Sorn-Hak, and 8) Hak-Nok-Khu. Likewise, those from household of Khun Yai Sorn Kamlangharn also had 8 patterns, but there was some difference in the designs and names as seen in the following list: 1) Sia-Sorn-Hak, 2) Sia-Sorn-Sia, 3) Hak-Sorn-Hak, 4) Khong-Kheng, 5) Na-Morn, 6) Keaw-Sorn-Kab, 7) Sorn-Kb, and 8) Hak-Dam. The researcher compiled the data of Teen Chok patterns and kept it systematically in form of a handbook of Teen Chok Thai-Yuan Fabric Production in Ratchaburi, and then distributed it over to all engaging parties. A training course was held to disseminate the knowledge gaining through 15 participants of Teen Chok present weavers in the community. After attending the course, the result revealed that the participants got greater ability to weave the standard fabric patterns, more familiar with patterns until they could recognize the patterns of Teen Chok fabric. 

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