Causal Factors of Success in the GSB’s School Bank Project

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Ingfah Kamavichanurat
Sawat Wanarat


This research aims to study success factors that can affect the School Bank’s Project and to find out the outstanding to be the guideline for the associated sectors of Government Savings Bank on the School Bank’s Project Management. Moreover, it also aimed to propose the operational improvement of the School Bank’s Project for effectiveness, development, and other projects that related to the School Bank’s Project. Populations used in this study are a group of teachers who are the consultant of the School Bank’s Project that located in the school with over 85 percentage of 2012 – 2013 performance. This research applied Mixed Method that consisted of qualitative and quantitative research. For qualitative research, depth-interviews were used for collecting and finding out the important information from 8 teachers. Moreover, 100 teachers answered the questionnaires for quantitative research to collect the information. Furthermore, this research analyzed data by using Exploratory Factor Analysis: EFA and statistical program to determine the frequency, percentage, and standard deviation. The results showed that the first factor related with School Bank’s Project Management was people who commented on the success of School Bank’s Project in the highest level. The second factor was people who commented on the success of School Bank’s Project Operation in the fair level. And the last factor was people who commented on the success of School Bank’s Project Structure Operation in the lowest level.

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