Sustainable Development Administration of Environmental Quality Promotion of Municipalities in Samutsakorn Province

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Kanlaya Ngampromsakul
Wiruch Wiruchnipawan


The main objectives of this study were to explore administrative problems and development guidelines of environment quality promotion of municipalities in Samutsakorn province and to examine the effects of sustainable administrative factors of environment quality promotion on the resources management effectiveness of municipalities. The research methodology was designed as mixed methods using quantitative approach as principal mean and supported by qualitative approach. This study was conducted from April to December 2015. The survey using questionnaire was a tool to collect the data from the 1,100 residents in two municipalities in Samutsakorn province. Of 963 usable questionnaires (representing a 85.09% response rate), 43.82% came from Samutsakorn city and 41.27% came from Oomnoy city. The data then were analyzed by using both descriptive and inferential statistic approaches; including mean, standard deviation; and multiple regression analysis. For qualitative approach, in-depth interview of 9 experts/key informants with semi-structured in-depth interview form was applied. The findings from the survey indicated that the major problem of administration was the municipalities’ environmental operations of smell decrease inconsistently with social and people needs, as well as the municipalities’ lacking of administrative model consisting of five dimensions: economy; technology; society or quality of life; balance; and network. Furthermore, the results indicated empirical evidence, at a .05 level of statistically significance, concerning the relationship between the five dimensions of sustainable administration and resources management effectiveness that consisted of man, materials, market, message, mediation, and measurement. Finally, the qualitative results also supported that the sustainable administrative model of environment quality promotion should be established and applied by the municipalities for environmental operating and for key performance indicators in order to have sustainable development in the future.

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