The Influence of Servant Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Effectiveness of Patient Units as Perceived by Registered Nurses, Pramongkutklao Hospital

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Napapat Viseschoochatkul
Phiphat Nonthanathorn


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the relationship among Servant Leadership, organizational citizenship Behavior, and Effectiveness of Patient Units as Perceived by Registered Nurses, Pramongkutklao hospital. 2) to study the influence of Servant Leadership on Effectiveness of Patient Units as Perceived by Registered Nurses, Pramongkutklao hospital both direct and indirect via organizational citizenship behavior, Sample was Registered Nurses, Pramongkutklao hospital working experience 1 years. Judgmental sampling was randomly, and completely sample size was 300. The results found that correlation coefficient among observable variables were 0.270-0.845; and every variables had a significant level. From structural equation modeling, it found that Servant Leadership had influence on organizational citizenship behavior with significantly and the variance predicted by Servant Leadership with 24.1 percent. Moreover, Servant Leadership had direct effect to Effectiveness of Patient Units as Perceived by Registered Nurses, Pramongkutklao hospital with significantly and had indirect effect via organizational citizenship behavior with significantly and variance predicted by Servant Leadership with 79.90 percent. Finally, organizational citizenship behavior had direct effect to participation with significantly. Fit indices of the model were χ2 / df = 2.39; CFI = 0.987; NNFI = 0.984; RMSEA = 0.068 and 90% CI for RMSEA = 0.056

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