The Influence of Transformational Leadership and Public Mind on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the Volunteer Reserve Forces

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Chatrutai Indusobhana
Phiphat Nonthanathorn


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level and relationship among transformational leadership, public mind and organizational citizenship behavior of the volunteer reserve forces. 2) to study relationship between transformational leadership, public mind and organizational citizenship behavior of the volunteer reserve forces. 3) to study the influence of transformational leadership on public mind of the volunteer reserve forces. 4) to study the influence of public mind on organizational citizenship behavior of the volunteer reserve forces. 5) to study the influence of transformational leadership on organizational citizenship behavior of the volunteer reserve forces both directly and indirectly via public mind variables. Sample was the volunteer reserve forces of Territorial Defense School. Judgmental sampling was conducted, and the sample size of 400 respondents is completed. The results reveal that the analysis of a structural equation that factors in transformational leadership (LD) is positively correlated very high level with public mind (PM) are statistically significant (LDnPM, φ = 0.741, p< 0.01) and the variance factors can be explained and predicted by leadership 54.90. Public mind (PM) has a positive relationship in a very high level with the organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) with statistical significance (PMnOCB, φ = 0.829, p< 0.01) Transformational leadership (LD) is positively correlated very high level with the organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) with statistical significance (LDnOCB, φ = 0.735, p< 0.01) Transformational leadership (LD) to influence organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), indirect (IE) via the psychosocial public (PM) = 0.468, which is a moderate one and found a statistically significant proportion of the variance can be explained by structural equation model = 0.720 (R2 = 0.720).

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